?What is diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of the eye caused by diabetes, a disease that affects the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels. The retina is extremely sensitive to this fluctuation in sugar levels.
Diabetic retinopathy is caused by a deterioration of the retinal vascular structure. These diseased blood vessels may expand, causing fluid leakage, and even blockage, leaving part of the retina without blood circulation. As the disease progresses, new blood vessels are formed and the fibrous tissue multiplies in the retina, resulting in deteriorating vision.
When diabetics also show other risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity, increased cholesterol or smoking, the risk of eye complications becomes double. This is the reason why the diabetic must be serious and even with a high degree of discipline regarding diet, weight control and avoiding smoking
Diabetic retinopathy leads to a gradual decrease in vision due to secondary yellow spot edema of diabetic retinopathy. Macular edema is the swelling and accumulation of fluid in the retina, and it occurs when fluid leaks from the blood vessels in the retina, which leads to a decrease in central vision. Edema is usually not painful and can have few symptoms mainly, blurred vision in the first place and change in color of visible objects, but it must be dealt with in a timely manner to prevent irreversible degenerative changes.
Sometimes, the disease begins with intense bleeding inside the eye, which leads to the sudden appearance of floating bodies that may partially or completely block vision.
Many people who suffer from diabetic retinopathy in its early stages do not complain from clinical symptoms, knowing that retinopathy in these cases does not stop development and progression until it leads to complications gradually. This is the reason why all people with diabetes must undergo regular checks to prevent avoidable complications in time.

A new technology in the treatment of retinal diseases
Ophthalmology has witnessed a therapeutic revolution for cases of aging atrophy in the retina accompanied by blood capillaries under the visual center by injecting antibodies into the vitreous body in the eye, in order to absorb the cold and stop the growth of random capillaries in the center of the vision, and the new technology that science recently revealed is a revolution Scientific in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy